Tuesday, May 29, 2007

A Night Hymn of St. Gregory Nazianzus (the Theologian)

I thought this was great - here's my 100th post.

O Christ, Word of God
light of light, without beginning,
help of the Spirit,
we praise You.
Threefold light of one undivided glory,
we praise You.

You have banished the darkness and created the light
and in this You have created all things.
To Matter You have given life
giving it the imprint of the face of the world
and the traits of its beauty.

You have illumined man’s spirit
with reason and wisdom.
Your eternal light is reflected everywhere,
so that in the light, man might discover
true beauty, and all become luminous.

You have lit up the heavens with variegated lights.
The night and the day You have commanded to take turns
in a rule of fraternal friendship;
The first brings to an end the fatigue of the body,
and the other spurs us on to work as commanded;
And we flee from the darkness
to hasten towards that day
which no sadness of the night
can ever bring to an end.

Give to my eyelids a light slumber
that my voice may not long remain silent.
While created things watch to sing psalms with the angels,
may my sleep be ever restful in your presence;
May the night make me oblivious of the day’s sins,
and its oddities not beset my dreams.

Even if my body is inert
my spirit, O God, gives You praise!
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
to You be honor and glory and power
through all ages. Amen

Patrologia Graeca 27. 311-314

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