Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Do online activities inspire students in the science disciplines?

Use of Skype in the session to bring a colleague in! Doesn’t work as a) quality poor and b) simply reads a script! Reading a Word doc on screen instead of PPT is worse!!!!

Neat phone voting technology to see whether or not students understand and can move on, a simple way of engaging students in the classroom.

Web 2.0 assessment – creating these for assessments like Wikis, blogs, videos, etc. Lasting public products which are authentic – challenges include identifying appropriate tasks and ways of assessing them.

What is possible with Web 2.0 and content heavy units like science? Role of wikis

Issues with effectiveness – ‘I enjoyed that’ comments. Is it worth the effort???

Wikis and peer marking – what is important as a question for students to consider when peer marking. Rubric developed/provided for them to aid in marking but lecturer still marked.

Wiki marking scheme/assessment rubric

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