Sunday, December 04, 2011

Ascilite 2011: Social Networking workshop

Social media - various avenues through which people share information, public or private with a select group of people

Social networks - act of sharing social media

Giving a voice to O/S students BUT everyone's a critic!

Rules on Twitter live streams - what is applicable? Avoiding behaviour that breaks APS code of conduct in my own context. Relevance to topic. No profanity, etc. Obvious stuff really. Pays too to have eyes in the back of your head lol.

Suggestion on use: Reflective microblog assessment.

Change of medium - but still a conversation. Stuff on Social networking found here

See people worth following on Twitter at Wallwisher

Edmodo - Facebook like app for education

Social networking ethical/moral/legal issues - examples here and here

Overall impressions/summary: While the workshop didn't cover as much in terms of innovative ideas on how to use social media in education beyond a little on Twitter - the legal/ethical issues raised made the workshop worth it. As one person put it, the two bases for a Social Media policy are a) Don't be a d***head and b) everything you post online is public.

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